2019 Winners

Exterior Space

Supplier of the Year

Renovator of the Year

Green Member of the Year

Builder of the Year - Tract

Builder of the Year - Manufactured

Builder of the Year - Custom


Model Home/Sales Centre


Kitchen - $50,001 - $100,000

Kitchen - $50,000 and under

Kitchen - $100,001 and Over

Condo Suite 801 sq. ft. and over

Commercial Project

Bathroom - Over $30,000

Bathroom - $30,000 and under

Any Room

Renovations - Under $200,000

Renovations - Over $200,001

Tract Built Homes - Over 2,501 sq. ft.

Tract Built Homes - 1,801 - 2,500 sq. ft.

Manufactured Homes - Under 2,500 sq. ft.

Manufactured Homes - Over 2,501 sq. ft.

Custom Built Homes under 2,500 sq. ft.

Custom Built Homes over 4,001 sq. ft.

Custom Built Homes - 2,501 - 4,000 sq. ft.

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