Production Built Homes - Over 2,501 ft2

PKHBA 2023 | Peterborough and the Kawarthas Home Builders Association


(Total finished square feet including finished basements, does not include decks, porches or garages)

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Submitters in this category must be registered with Tarion Warranty.
  • This home must be registered with Tarion by the builder listed on this submission form unless otherwise permitted in which case proof must be provided.
  • If this home has been altered more than 40% from the original floor plan, it must be entered as a Custom Built Home instead
Criterion Weight
Architectural Appeal 20.0%
Special Features/Challenges 20.0%
Innovative Design Elements 20.0%
Functionality of Floor Plan/Design 20.0%
Creative Use of Space 20.0%